Adelaide’s #1 in Nationally Accredited First Aid Courses

Adelaide’s #1 in Nationally Accredited First Aid Courses


Defibrillation is a treatment for:

  • Life-threatening cardiac dysrhythmias
  • Especially ventricular fibrillation (VF) and
  • Non-perforating ventricular tachycardia (VT).

It delivers a dose of electric current (often called an anti-shock) to the heart.

A defibrillator is a device that restores the heartbeat by sending an electrical pulse or shock to the heart in a particular case. They are also used to prevent arrhythmias, heart palpitations, sudden cardiac arrest, or to correct a heartbeat that is abnormal, or that is too slow or too fast for a particular routine. In any case, if the heart stops suddenly, a defibrillator can restore the heartbeat.


How to use a defibrillator

The deflector is used when the heart rate in a cardiac arrest is brought back to normal. You will need to take some training including first aid. You will also need to use the associated CPR skills. You can also learn about defibrillators with CPR first aid training. You can also learn about defibrillators with CPR first aid training. You must go to a training centre to attend a first aid course, where the defibrillator’s use and issues are fully explained.

The main reason for taking the training is that it is necessary to understand the situation so that you can be prepared for a variety of emergency situations. 

There are three types of defibrillators: AEDs, ICDs and WCDs. Each of these works by examining arrhythmias, or irregular heart rhythms, and trying to highlight them for rehabilitation over time. In any case, once detected, each defibrillator will send a shock to restore normal rhythm to the heartbeat.


Why are Defibrillators also called Defibs?

Defibrillators are also known as DEFIB. DEFIB is a process of the device itself, which is similar to the measures taken to be prepared for an emergency.


What does a Defibrillator do?

In many cases, different types of defibrillators can work in different ways depending on their characteristics. 

Automatic external defibrillators (AEDs), which are used in many public places in the event of a sudden or emergency, are designed to save the lives of people experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. Even untrained passers-by can use these devices in an emergency.


Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) 

AEDs are found in many public places, they can be different types depending on their function and may have the same way of working. They can be used in an emergency to help someone who is experiencing a sudden cardiac arrest or whose breathing has stopped. There is a big difference when you seek help in the case of an AED. An AED can enhance your CPR by helping give instructions to the rescuer. 


How to use a Defibrillator on an adult 

Required steps here to use a defibrillator for adults:

  • Turn on the AED (AED is a type of defibrillator) and then follow the visual and/or audio signal.
  • In the second stage, take off the person’s shirt and dry their chest so that no moisture remains. If the person is wearing a medicine bag, it is important that you use a gloved hand if possible to remove the patch before cleaning the person’s chest.
  • Then attach the AED pad, and plug in the connector (if necessary).
  • Also make sure that no one, including you, is touching the patient. Ask everyone to “stand up”.
  • Press the “Analyse” button (if necessary) and allow the AED to analyse the person’s heartbeat so they can detect the condition in the first round.
  • If the AED suggests that you deliver a shock to the person, make sure no one, including you, approaches them and then press the button.
  • Start CPR after the shock. Or, if a shock is not recommended, then start CPR. Perform 2 minutes of CPR consisting of five cycles. Follow AED signals. If you notice obvious signs of life, stop CPR and monitor breathing for any changes in the condition.


Pacemaker or Defibrillator – What is the difference?

There are various treatments for heart rhythm problems. If the heart rhythm slows down and it is not treatable with medication, then a pacemaker is needed to normalize the condition. 

A defibrillator is a great device. This is a device where death from cardiac arrest can be prevented and it can take a situation from emergency to normal. This device draws the heart back to normal movement.


Pacemaker or Defibrillator – Frequently asked questions


Cardiac Arrest

Cardiac management for first aid:

We have CPR courses available at our first-aid facilities. This course will help you in cases of cardiac arrest. You can contact us on our page for more information about CPR First Aid Courses. CPR courses are available at over 80 locations throughout Australia. 


What is a cardiac arrest?

Cardiac arrest is a condition in which there is a sudden loss of blood flow, this results in the heart failing to pump effectively. Signs include loss of consciousness and abnormal or absent breathing. There are also some people who may experience chest pain, shortness of breath, or nausea before the cardiac arrest begins.

In most cases, cardiac arrest occurs when a patient’s heart’s system is malfunctioning, leading to complications. This disorder can cause abnormal heart rhythms such as ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation and can lead to further deterioration. Some cardiac arrests can also occur due to extremely slow heart rhythms.


Signs of cardiac arrest

  • Chest pain or discomfort in a situation.
  • Heart palpitations occurring.
  • Rapid or irregular heartbeats.
  • Unexplained wheezing.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Fainting.
  • Lightheadedness or dizziness.


Can you use a defibrillator during cardiac arrest?

You can but it is best to take a CPR course so that you can use it effectively and efficiently. 


Is a defibrillator required during a heart attack?

Yes, a defibrillator gives the best chance of survival against Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA). A defibrillator is used to help the heart restore a normal rhythm in the case of SCA.

First Aid Pro is located nationwide, with quick and easy courses available online and in person. 

Every student can practice AED during the CPR First Aid Course:

We pride ourselves on training students in our courses to the highest standard. We provide hands-on training so you will get to use an AED during the practical element of your course. You will also be shown how to execute normal CPR without the assistance of an AED. 

Heart attack symptoms

  • Chest pain or discomfort.
  • Feeling weak, light-headed, or faint.
  • Pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck, arms or back.
  • Pain or discomfort in shoulders.
  • Shortness of breath.


AED defibrillator

A device used to maintain normal flow in case of cardiac arrest. After a sudden stoppage of the heartbeat using a device can assist in bringing the heart rate back to normal.

An Automated External Defibrillator can analyse the heart’s rhythm and, if necessary, deliver an electrical shock, or defibrillation.

AED is a type of defibrillator that is useful in case of emergency. This portable first aid device has proved to be a game-changer in the hands of the first responders.



Emergency treatment of defibrillation ventricular fibrillation and other life-threatening arrhythmias (abnormal heartbeat) is a procedure performed with the use of a device to restore normalcy. If left untreated, it can lead to cardiac arrest and death in a matter of minutes. Defibrillation helps to restore a normal heartbeat by electric shock.



CPR Courses Available

By using our First Aid Pro training service you can get your certificate the same day! Contact us on (08) 7120 2570 or send an email to:


Price Match Guarantee

Our First Aid Pro course prices are low every day so you don’t have to compromise on our quality First Aid Pro trainers in favour of a lower price. If you happen to find a lower price elsewhere, just let us know and we will match it! 

CPR Certification will be gained after successful completion of your CPR COURSE, delivered to you the SAME DAY

When you have completed the course, you can receive the First Aid Pro Certificate by email or by hand. All courses include online and in-person components. 

First Aid Pro is a Registered Training Organisation (31124). Rest assured that when you complete your training course with us- it is recognised nationally. 


Our First Aid Training Centers

South Australia
New South Wales 
Western Australia
Northern Territory
Australian Capital Territory 