Benefits R.I.C.E Method for Minor Injuries: The R.I.C.E method or treatment refers to the immediate application of rest, ice, compression, and elevation to minor soft tissue injuries such as sprains, strains, and fractures.
R.I.C.E is a known first aid treatment that can help manage the pain, reduce swelling, and promote continuous blood flow in minor injuries. This method has the advantage of being simple enough that anyone can use it – whether in a sports injury, in a workplace accident, or even at home.
However, it is worth noting that R.I.C.E method is considered as a first aid technique that a comprehensive medical treatment. If you receive a joint injury or sprain in an everyday setting, just remember that Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation can get you the initial care you need until further help is available.
Read on to know more about this lifesaving technique.
What is the R.I.C.E. method?
R.I.C.E is the most common first aid treatment for minor injuries. Following this method can drastically improve the amount of time it takes to recover and get back to you every day routine.
When performing this method, keep in mind the four letters of the acronym – R, I, C, and E.
The first step to treating soft tissue injuries to protect the injury from additional strain. Take pressure of the injured limb by stopping any activity right away and promote the right amount of immobilisation.
Rest the injury for at least 24 to 48 hours or until you can use the body part or limb without feeling pain. Getting enough sleep and rest will prevent further damage to muscle tissues allows the body to heal quicker.
Apply a cold pack or bag of ice to help minimise the pain and swelling. Wrap the ice in a towel or clothing and avoid applying cold directly to the skin.
Ice the injury for four times a day, for about 20 to minutes per session until the swelling goes down. As with rest, apply ice to the injury for the first 24 to 48 hours.
Compress the injury by wrapping it firmly using an elastic, ace-style bandage. An elastic bandage is recommended as it can expand, which allows blood flow to the injured area.
Avoid wrapping it too tight as it can cut off blood flow and increase the swelling. Common indications that the bandage is too tight and the vessels are restricted if the person is experiencing pain, tingling sensation, cooling skin, or swelling in the area surrounding the bandage.
In most scenarios, compressions can be removed after 48 to 72 hours.
Raise the injured area above the heart level to help ease pain, swelling, and throbbing. Elevation allows the gravity to move the fluids away from the affected part of your body which helps in the recovery process.
While R.I.C.E method is not a cure, using this as first aid techniques will help alleviate pain and swelling until further help is available. Keep in mind that R.I.C.E is presented mainly for controlling symptoms and these actions many not be appropriate for all situations.
Types of injuries for RICE treatment
R.I.C.E method is often the first line of treatment for soft tissue injuries such as strains, strains, and fractures that usually occur after accidents or falls. Other type of injuries that may require this treatment include:
- Ligament injuries
- Strained muscles
- Bruises
- Tendon injuries (hamstring strain and tennis elbow)
- Overuse or repetitive use injuries
Too much swelling and bruising on the injury can result in serious complications. The performance of RICE method in the first 48 hours after the injury tends to get people back “on their feet” faster by limiting the swelling and speeding up the recovery.
However, it is worth noting that R.I.C.E is not recommended as treatment method for broken bones and severe soft tissue injuries.
The rest, ice, compression, and elevation techniques only helps manage short term pain and discomfort for minor injuries. Major injuries, on the other hand, may require more extensive treatment such as medication, surgery, or professional physical therapy.
Benefits of RICE method for First Aid Injuries
Here are five reasons why knowing RICE method is important.
Prevent situation from becoming worse
A person who knows RICE method would know how to keep a minor injury from becoming bad to worse. The initial care will serve as a temporary treatment which will keep the condition from deteriorating, until professional help arrives.
Relieve pain
Simple remedies like applying an ice pack or elevating injuries help relieve pain.
Most minor injuries do not require a trip to the emergency room, at least not for some time. In such cases, a person trained in first aid can perform simple procedures to help relieve pain while observing the injuries for possible scenarios.
Increases safety
The basis of R.I.C.E method is prevention, which follows the rule of “it is always better to be safe than sorry.” Knowledge of this treatment promotes the sense of safety and wellbeing of everyone, encouraging you and other to become more alert of the surroundings.
Save lives
Immediate action can be taken and lives can be saved if most people are trained to give initial care to any casualty, regardless if it is a minor or major injury.
While it is natural for many to step up and provide support in an injury, a trained person will be more reliable and confident in providing treatment.
Administering R.I.C.E treatment in the event of accidents and injuries is encouraged. You must know at least the lifesaving basics and this knowledge is gained through first aid training.
If you’ve every had minor injuries such as soft tissue injuries, it is best to start with RICE treatment.
The R.I.C.E (rest, ice, compression, elevation) treatment is a basic self-care and first aid procedure that help reduce swelling, relieve pain, and promote quick recovery.
First Aid Pro provides wide range of first aid courses to learn the basics of treatment of injuries. Our training course are comprehensive and covers many injuries and treatments for both kids and adults.
Let’s understand the R.I.C.E method and its benefits in a first aid course. Call (08) 7120 2570 or book a training with us today.
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