Knowing what to do in severe weather events during spring and being prepared in advance can go a long way to keep everyone safe.

Springtime in Australia

Spring ushers in the month of September and lasts until November in most parts of Australia, bringing us warmer temperatures. However, this season is also known to be unpredictable.

Spring can produce severe weather in the form of tornadoes, thunderstorms, and flooding, which can significantly impact not just individuals but also the community. It can damage homes and properties, cause power outages, and cost the lives of others.

Luckily, there are steps we can take to be ready if a weather emergency threatens the community. Planning is the key to ensuring everyone’s safety.

Severe Weather Preparation Guide

Here are some tips to help keep yourself and others safe during extreme weather conditions this spring season.

Understand weather warnings

Understand different severe weather warnings for hazardous weather conditions.

The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) has information on severe weather and thunderstorm warnings.

Prepare a first-aid kit

A well-stocked first aid kit can help treat minor injuries and ailments to keep everyone safe and healthy, even during severe weather events.

Some items you will need in a first aid kit are bandages (of all sizes), sterile gauze bandages, medical tape, cotton balls, cotton-tipped swabs, instant cold packs, thermometers, and disposable latex or synthetic gloves. It is also helpful to stock on ointments, cleansing solutions, and medications in case you need it.

In situations in which you feel you feel that first aid is not enough, call triple zero (000) for emergency assistance.

Build an emergency kit

An emergency kit differs from a standard first aid kit as the former should contain all essential items that will help the family survive for a couple of days. These include non-perishable foods, bottles of water, flashlights, battery-operated radios, extra pair of batteries, and more.

It is also best to have extra cash and keep copies of important documents (proof of address, deed/lease to home, passports, birth certificates, and insurance policies) in case you need it.

Establish an emergency family plan

Ensure that your family has an emergency plan in place, so all members will know what to do during an emergency. The plan should include the best place to evacuate or the meeting place should anyone become separated.

Pick a safe room in the home, such as a basement, storm cellar, or interior room with no windows, that can become a shelter in the event of severe weather. Practice your emergency plan at least twice a year.

Stay Up to Date

Checking the weather before starting your day can go a long way, especially when there is a chance for a severe weather outbreak in your area.

Sign up for notifications to keep updated on your community warnings. Some states may have outdoor sirens, while others depend on media and smartphones to alert residents to severe storms.

Be Ready for Emergencies

There is no doubt that springtime is one of the most beautiful seasons of the year, but spring weather in Australia can sometimes be unpredictable.

When severe weather hits unexpectedly, the risk of injuries and other weather-related damages increases, which makes planning so important.

Prepare for storms, floods, tornadoes, and other severe weather emergencies by taking a first aid course.

Learn first aid, CPR, and how to use an AED to have the knowledge and skills to help people in need before help arrives. This is especially important during severe weather events where emergency responders may be delayed due to certain circumstances.

Interested in first aid training? Check our course page to find out more.