Accident reporting is an essential part of avoiding accidents and improving health and safety in the workplace.

Unsafe acts while on the job often lead to accidental injuries, illnesses, and fatalities. This makes time critical when recording an injury.

Read on as we explore why and how to report accidents in the workplace.

Why Do We Need Accident Reporting at Work?

One of the main reasons for doing accident reporting is to try and identify the root cause of the incident. Knowing such will give everyone an idea of the risks and what actions are possible to prevent the same type of accident from happening again.

Accident reporting is the process of recording and managing a workplace incident resulting in injury, property damage, or security breach.

The procedure typically involves completing an incident report stating the time and location where the accident occurred. The report will be followed by an investigation, corrective action, hazard report, and sign-off.

Determining the facts also plays a huge factor in deciding what control measures to put in place to prevent future reoccurrences.

It is also important to establish open communication between the management and employees. This way, they are updated on any changes in the process or procedures and establish trust between parties.

Aside from these reasons, the law also requires businesses to keep a record of all work-related accidents, including diagnosed diseases and dangerous incidents that have occurred over the years.

Each state and territory in Australia have mandatory requirement when it comes to accident reporting. Read here for your respective legislations and their requirements.

What details to include in the report?

Safety incident reports are one of the most common types of reports, usually involving an injury, illness, or accident.

An accident report includes the following details:

  • Name, age, gender, and other details of the injured person
  • The date and time of the incident and its location
  • Other people involved (witnesses) and their contact details
  • The events leading up to the incident
  • The cause of the accident (e.g., environmental conditions such as uneven areas, slippery floors)
  • Details of the injury and its degree of severity
  • First aid report or the treatment given

First Aid Steps Following a Workplace Injury

Follow these steps immediately after a work-related incident:

  • Ensure the scene is safe before approaching the victim.
  • If needed, call local emergency services or triple zero (000)
  • Administer first aid and CPR when necessary.

If there are other bystanders at the time of emergency, ask them to take photos of the incident scene and location. Look for any property damage and equipment involved.

Follow the internal reporting procedure set by the company and quickly notify the assigned personnel or first aider about the incident.

Quick and effective accident reporting allows the injured worker to receive the urgent treatment they need. It prevents deterioration and give them the higher chances of survival. 


In today’s busy workplace, there can be times when things go unplanned. Some workers may end up getting injured while carrying out tasks and responsibilities they are engaged to do.

Everyone in the workplace should be familiar with accident reporting procedures and must report all work-related incidents quickly.

Accident reporting is not about finding who to blame but more about identifying the root cause of danger, so they do not happen again.

Enrol workers in a group first aid training course to ensure the proper way of reporting.

Sign up for a group first aid course to discover the importance of reporting and to learn a lifesaving first aid course. For inquiries, get in touch with our team and one of our staff will be happy to assist.