If you’re in an emergency CALL 000
Follow our step-by-step guides below for how to perform CPR on an adult or child over (8 years old).
We also have specific guides on CPR for adults and children above 8 years old, children 1-8, and during pregnancy.
*The information below does not replace First Aid training. *
Make sure that you have followed the DRSABCD action plan. This ensures that you have performed the vital steps before beginning CPR.
After having completed the DRSABCD plan, follow the steps below.
1. Put 2 fingers in the centre of the baby’s chest.
2. Push straight down by 1/3 the depth of their chest.
3. Release the pressure. Complete this 30 times. At a rate of 100-120 per minute.
4. Hold the baby’s head and create a seal around their nose and mouth.
5. Give 2 strong breaths. Look for the chest to rise and fall between each.
6. If their chest does not rise make sure the seal is tight, the infant is in the correct position and the airway is not obstructed.
7. Keep repeating the process and try to do roughly 5 cycles of CPR in 2 minutes.
Only stop CPR if one of the following has occurred:
Cradle the infant in your arms with their head tilted downwards in the Infant recovery position.
© 2024 Firstaidpro Australia Pty Ltd (RTO: 31124) | Address: Unit 6 9 Frinton St, SOUTHPORT QLD 4215 | ABN: 70 106 788 050 | ACN: 106 788 050